Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Giant Pumpkin begins!

Well to start off, we have had these visitors eating from our humming bird feeder. There are four of them, 2 males and 2 females. This is one of the males. The females do dot have as bright a color. Anyone know what they are?

Then there is this plant. It must have come from the compost bin. I decided to see what is was and it looks like a cantaloupe! Hey we enjoy melons!

Here is the one I am going to let grow. It is about one week now. We will keep an eye on it. This photo is from this morning.

Here is a view of the vine. You can see the pumpkin down in front. This was taken Sunday morning.


Amber said...

I love those birds, they are really pretty. And I think the melon is great, you'll have to tell us how it tastes!

Margene said...
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Margene said...

Yes they are the hooded oriole. They are here illeagl. THey should only come as far north as the border. But they fly up here and have babies. I think the border partol misses them. This makes the babies US citizens. We have had them here for about 15 years. The male is really pretty. They arrive in mid-may hatch their eggs and leave the end of the summer. They love the humming bird feeders. Any questions just call your home teaching family.