Thursday, October 8, 2009


The grandsons are really into learning right now. So I am will to help expand their minds. They have been into collecting rocks for some time now, not just throwing them down the hill in the back yard. One of the teachers Louise works with had a rock tumbler in the class room and let us borrow it. After a learning curve to set it up and not leak, we put some rocks in and turned it on. Each stage takes about a week, so in about a month we well see if we found any great gems....

Louise found a book of experiments that the boys could try. Some only take an hour or two to do. This last Sunday they brought it over and wanted to make an magnet. Well papa was willing to play, I mean help. A battery, copper wire, and a nail and we were off.


scubamom said...

Who doesn't love to play! Thats why they love to do stuff and try things out. Curious minds want to know...and they are inquisitive that is for sure!

day queen said...

glad you have someone to play with. keep up the good work with the grandkids

Amber said...

You're a good grandpa, now you need to come do something fun with Dill!