Sunday, June 15, 2008

29" in one week!!!

My sister gave me this book by Jerry Baker. He believes in making your own plant food from common everyday household items.

One of the Garder plant tonics he recommends is

1 can beer
1 cup ammonia
2 teaspoons instant tea
1 oz liquid dishsoap

This is mixed in a hose end sprayer and topped off with warm water. I applied it at the 2oz per gallon to my pumpkin plant and to the rest of my garden. He says do it ever 3 weeks.

This was taken June 9 th. the vine had reached 55 inches.

Today it was beyond my 60 inch tape. So here is the 60 inch mark.

So add 24 inches to the 60 inch mark and 84 inches!!!!

I must admit I have been feeding it Miracle Grow once a week and also Vigoro plant food once a week. This week I also added two bags of Admend garden soil to the pile.

Also Lots of water.. Does it Show?????