Sunday, June 27, 2010

Pumpkin growth and bird update

Thank you Margene! It is a Mexican Oriole. We love having them in our back yard. The humming birds don't because they also like the sweet nectar.
We have had some good growth this week on the pumpkin front. As you can see it more than doubled in size. I also made a wooden pallet for it to set on.

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

A Giant Pumpkin begins!

Well to start off, we have had these visitors eating from our humming bird feeder. There are four of them, 2 males and 2 females. This is one of the males. The females do dot have as bright a color. Anyone know what they are?

Then there is this plant. It must have come from the compost bin. I decided to see what is was and it looks like a cantaloupe! Hey we enjoy melons!

Here is the one I am going to let grow. It is about one week now. We will keep an eye on it. This photo is from this morning.

Here is a view of the vine. You can see the pumpkin down in front. This was taken Sunday morning.

Friday, June 11, 2010

The garden update

The next door neighbor says he can see it growing! It does look good so far.